Installing Jupyter Notebook on MacOS Catalina using Homebrew

Hello everyone..
Since I was very busy completing my thesis,
I almost never posted anything on this blog.
Starting today, I will get used to writing on this blog using English..
you can also help me to correct it..

Ok, let's get started..
If you have not installed homebrew, you must install it first.


First step

Update homebrew package manager using this command:

brew update && brew doctor

Install pyenv using this command bellow, pyenv is a tool for managing multiple python versions.

brew install pyenv


Second step 

Install python 3.7.6 using pyenv. I recommended you start using python 3 because there so many developers are creating libraries strictly for use with python 3 and there is better unicode support in python 3. 

pyenv install 3.7.6

You can check your pyenv versions using this command:

pyenv versions 


Third step

You can set python to local or global by using this command: 

pyenv local 3.7.6
pyenv global 3.7.6

Fouth step

Now you can start install jupyter notebook using homebrew by running this command:

brew install jupyter

After the installation process is complete, you can use this command to start the first jupyter project..
jupyter notebook

DONE 😊😊😊
