Installing Tomcat Server on macOS Using Homebrew

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Tomcat Server is web application server licensed under Apache. Tomcat designed to execute Java servlets and render web pages that use Java Server Page (JSP). Here, I use JSP to create a web interface while servlet is used for the process.

Reasons why you have to use tomcat are it's open-source, highly flexible, well documented, and tomcat server will make your server more stable. To find out in more detail about Apache Tomcat, you can visit this page.

Here is steps to install apache maven on macOS;

1. Make sure you have installed Java Development Kit (JDK)

To check it, open up the terminal and run this command:

java --version

If the JDK is not installed, you have to install it first because Tomcat requires JDK.

If the JDK is already installed, follow the next steps.

2. Install Apache Tomcat Server

You should update the source package first by using this command:

brew update

To install apache tomcat server, run this command:

brew install tomcat

3. Run Apache Tomcat Server

View available options on tomcat server using this command:

catalina -h

To start tomcat server run this command:

catalina start

To stop tomcat server run this command:

catalina stop
I hope  this article I wrote helped you.. thank you 😊
